Autumn Charity Concert – Lakeside Arts – Nottingham University

6.30pm, 28th Sept. 2024

oin us for a concert full of uplifting traditional and modern Chinese music. Featuring leading musicians from the UK Chinese Music Ensemble: Cheng Yu (pipa lute and guqin zither), Scarlett Huang Ziyang (erhu fiddle), Yang Kang (guzheng zither), Dennis Lee (di/xiao flutes) and Zhang Jiaqi (guqin zither and ruan lute). The Ensemble has performed extensively in the UK and Europe, including performances with pianist Lang Lang, cellist Matthew Barley, and singer Damon Albarn.

Featuring leading musicians from the UK Chinese Music Ensemble: Cheng Yu (pipa lute and guqin zither), Wang Xiao (erhu fiddle), Yang Kang (guzheng zither), Dennis Lee (di/xiao – bamboo flutes), and Zhang Jiaqi (guqin zither and ruan lute).

2024年9月28日 周六 6:30pm

诺丁汉孔子学院和Lakeside Arts荣誉呈现:一场充满振奋人心的传统与现代中国音乐的音乐会。由英国中华音乐团的顶尖音乐家演出,包括:程玉(琵琶与古琴)、王潇(二胡)、杨康(古筝)、Dennis Lee(笛/箫)和张家麒(古琴与阮)。

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