2024 London International
Chinese Music Festival

22 to 27 July 2024, SOAS University of London

下载报名表 Download the registration form here.
下载音乐节宣传册 Download the festival brochure here.

Building on the success of our previous 20 summer schools, and the first International Chinese Music Festival in 2023 (with participants from 13 countries), China Arts, UK Chinese Music and the London Youlan Qin Society, in partnership with SOAS University of London, is proud to present our second London International Chinese Music Festival. The Music Festival will be held from 22nd to 27th July 2024 at concert halls in central London and the renowned SOAS University. The festival is honoured to have the support of the Arts Council England and will partner with "Nouvelles D'Europe", which will provide coverage of our events throughout the festival. It will comprise:


• Summer School 5天夏校 (7月22-26日)
• Concerts (Cambridge/London) 音樂會巡演(剑桥、伦敦) (7月24, 25, 26, 27日)
• Lutes of The Silk Road Concert/Workshops
• Master/Ensemble Classes/Workshops/Yaji
• Instrumental Grading Exams and Competitions
   中英雙認證考級和比賽及獲獎者音樂會 (7月26-27日) 

Musicians / Tutors

Featuring China’s distinguished master Li Pengpeng (guqin) and the UK’s leading Chinese musicians Dr Cheng Yu (pipa), Yang Kang(guzheng), Huang Ziyang (erhu), Hu Ruijun (dizi/xiao), Zhang Jiaqi (guqin) and more. 

音乐节总监: 程玉博士
Music Festival Director:  Dr Cheng Yu

Summer School

Monday 22 to Friday 26 July, SOAS, University of London

The 5-full days’ summer school will comprise classes on the guqin (7-stringed zither), guzheng (21-stringed zither), pipa and ruan lutes, erhu fiddle, dizi and xiao flutes. This will be a rare opportunity for anyone in the UK and overseas interested in learning and understanding more about traditional Chinese music and instruments.

The summer school will combine group classes, one-to-one sessions, masterclasses, talks and demonstrations. It will be open to participants with little or no experience as well as to those at higher levels.

为期五天的夏校将包括古琴、古筝、琵琶和阮、二胡、笛子和箫的课程。对于英国和海外任何对学习和了解中国传统音乐及乐器感兴趣的人来说,这是一个难得的机会。 夏季学校将结合集体课、一对一、大师班、讲座和示范课。无论是没有经验的初学者,还是具有较高水平的参与者都可以报名参加。

Meet our Excellent Musicians and Tutors for the Festival/Summer School

Guqin Advanced Classes – taught by Li Pengpeng 古琴高级课程 – 李蓬蓬
Guqin Beginner to Intermediate – taught by Zhang Jiaqi 古琴初级至中级课程 – 张家麒
Wind Instruments (dizi, xiao flutes) – taught by Hu Ruijun 吹奏乐器课程(笛子、箫) – 胡瑞君
Pipa  – taught by Cheng Yu 琵琶 – 程玉
Guzheng – taught by Yang Kang 古筝 – 杨康
Erhu – taught by Ziyang Huang 二胡 – 黄子扬

All our tutors have Master of Music or higher degrees on their respective instruments in both China and the UK and many years of teaching experience. At the end of the summer school, participants will have opportunities to give a demonstration and/or performance.

Supplementary Activities:

Ink Painting 国画 - by Hu Ruijun   胡瑞君
Calligraphy 书法 - by Qin Lei 秦蕾
Weiqi (Chinese Chess Go) 围棋 – during leisure periods. 休闲时间
Participants can sit in on classes other than their own chosen instruments. At the end of the summer school, participants will have opportunities to give a demonstration and/or performance.

Masterclasses and Workshops
大师班 / 工作坊

Introduction on the Erhu, Guzheng and Dizi/Xiao Flutes - by Huang Ziyang, Yang Kang and Hu Ruijun
二胡,古筝,笛子/箫介绍 - 黄子洋,杨康,胡瑞军

22nd July 14:30
Special Workshop: Silk Road Lutes - by the 6 lutenists
特别工作坊:丝绸之路上的鲁特琴 - 六位鲁特琴音乐家

23rd July 14:00 to 16:00 

Guqin Zither Masterclass - by Li Pengpeng
古琴大师班 - 李蓬蓬

25th July 15:00-17:00 

Tea and Qin Music Yaji Gathering 

13:30-16:00 27 July 2024  |  SOAS, University of London

A special yaji to celebrate Chinese Tea and Music. It combines guqin (the scholarly zither) performance with a tea ceremony led by Hong Yiyuan. The music repertoire is selected to reflect the regions and characters from which the tea is grown. Part of the gathering also provides a chance for participants to perform, interact, share experiences in an informal and relaxed setting, supported by London Youlan Qin Society, Youth Link and Southwest Jiaotong University, China. 

这是一个特别的雅集活动,旨在庆祝中国茶与古琴乐的结合。活动将古琴的演奏(程玉博士)与Echo Hong主持的茶道相结合。音乐曲目精心挑选,以反映茶叶生长的地域特色和人物风貌。活动的一部分还为参与者提供了表演、互动和分享经验的机会,整个过程轻松愉快。此次活动由中国艺术、英国中乐团、伦敦幽兰琴社、全球青年连线以及中国西南交通大学联合支持。

Concert Series

1. 24 July, Wed, 19:00
Cambridge Concert-Sound of Silk and Bamboo
St. Giles Church, Cambridge, CB3 OAQ

2. 25 July, Thur, 13:00
Lunchtime Concert
St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden, London WC2E 9ED

3. 25 July, Thur, 19:30
Lutes of the Silk Road Concert
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS, University of London, WC1H OXG

4. 26 July, Fri, 19:00
Gala Concert-Sound of Nature
伦敦主场音乐会 -《自然之声》
Holy Sepulchre Church, London EC1A 2DQ

5. 27 July, Sat, 13:30
Tea and Qin Music Yaji Gathering
Djam Lecture Theatre (DLT) SOAS, University of London, WC1H OXG

6. 27 July, Sat, 19:00
Showcase Concert
Djam Lecture Theatre (DLT), SOAS, University of London, WC1H OXG

Chinese Music Grading Examination and Competitions

09.30-17:00 26-27 July 2024

With a two-in-one certificate recognised in China and the UK, and a competition prize/participation certificate. We launched this new aspect successfully at our last festival and carried out grading exams on various Chinese instruments, in partnership with SOAS and China’s leading authority in music grading, the China Nationality Orchestra Society (CNOS). Several participants achieved excellent results and their grades are accepted and recognised by UK Universities and schools.

The exams provide formal grading certificates recognised by both China and the UK. There has long been a need for learners in the UK to be able to take such exams to recognise their achievements over the years and encourage them to further their musical development. This is especially good news for young learners as the grades are recognised by UK mainstream schools. Competition winners will have the opportunity to perform in one of the festival’s London concerts.

Exams and competitions (divided into youth and adult groups) include all types of traditional Chinese instruments: guqin, guzheng, pipa, liuqin, yangqin, zhongruan, erhu, dizi, xiao, sheng, suona, hulusi, singing and ensemble/group performances. For more exam and competition guidelines please visit ukchinesemusic.org for more information.

Download the exam and competition guidelines here.

国乐考级可获得中英认可的双重证书以及比赛奖项/参与证书。在上届音乐节上我们首次成功推出了这一新环节,并与SOAS和中国权威的音乐考级机构——中国民族管弦乐学会(CNOS)合作,进行了多种中国乐器的考级。多名学员取得了优异成绩,其等级证书已被英国大学和学校接受并认可。 这些考试提供了中国和英国共同认可的正式考级证书。长期以来,英国的学习者一直需要这样的考试来认可他们多年来的成就,并鼓励他们进一步发展音乐技能。对于年轻学习者来说,这尤其是个好消息,因为这些等级证书得到了英国主流学校的认可。比赛获胜者将有机会在音乐节的伦敦音乐会上表演。 考试和比赛(分为青少年组和成人组)包括各种类型的中国传统乐器:古琴、古筝、琵琶、柳琴、扬琴、中阮、二胡、笛子、箫、笙、唢呐、葫芦丝、声乐及合奏/团体表演。有关更多考试和比赛指南,请访问 ukchinesemusic.org 获取更多信息。



• Package 1 (workshops, lunchtime concert, masterclasses): £415 (£375 concessions)
• Package 2 (all of the above, plus tickets to all concerts): £450 (£405)
• Summer school classes only (4 or 5 days flat rate): £395 (£360)
• Summer school classes only (3 days or fewer): £270 (one flat rate, no further discounts)
• Masterclasses only / workshops only: £32 each
• Exams: (£85 per grade; max. two grades for £170) (China-UK dual credit), competition: £60/item, both: £120 (one grade, £190 for two grades)
• Instrument hire per day: £12 (large instruments), £7 (small instruments)
• Cambridge Concert: £15 (£10 concessions)
• Lunchtime Concert: free
• Gala Concert: £18 (£12 concessions)
• Lutes of the Silk Road Concert: £18 (£12 concessions) 
• Showcase Concert: £15 (£10 concessions)

• 套餐1(工作坊、午间音乐会、大师班):£415(琴社会员优惠价£375)
• 套餐2(包括上述所有内容,以及所有音乐会的门票):£450(琴社会员优惠价£405)
• 仅参加夏季学校课程(4至5天统一收费):£395(琴社会员优惠价£360)
• 仅参加夏季学校课程(3天或以下):£270(统一收费,无进一步折扣)
• 仅参加大师班/工作坊:每项£32
• 考试:每级£85;最多两级£170(中英双重认证)
• 比赛:每项£60;两者:£120(一项等级,£190两项等级)
• 乐器租赁:每天£12(大型乐器),£7(小型乐器)
• 剑桥丝竹之声音乐会:£15(琴社会员优惠价£10)
• 午间音乐会:免费
• 伦敦主场自然之声音乐会:£18(琴社会员优惠价£12)
• 丝绸之路上的鲁特琴音乐会:£18(琴社会员优惠价£12)
• 新秀音乐会:£15(琴社会员优惠价£10)


Festival e-Brochure

Chinese Music Concert Series


July 24, 2024

Cambridge Concert

St. Giles Church, Cambridge, CB3 OAQ

July 25, 2024

Lunchtime Concert

St Paul’s Church,
Covent Garden,
London WC2E 9ED

July 25, 2024

Lutes of the Silk Road Concert

Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS,
University of London

July 26, 2024

Gala Concert

Holy Sepulchre Church, London EC1A 2DQ

July 27, 2024

Tea and Qin Music Yaji Gathering

DLT theatre, SOAS, University of London

July 27, 2024

Showcase Concert

DLT theatre,  SOAS, University of London

Featured Musicians


Li Pengpeng

Guqin Virtuoso/Educator

李蓬蓬女士是一位备受赞誉的旅德古琴演奏家,教育家; 德国桃源琴社社长,曾任教于德国李斯特音乐学院音乐学 系跨文化音乐教研室。十岁跟从父亲李祥霆学习古琴,十一岁首次登台演出, 十三岁考入中央音乐学院附中,师从父亲李祥霆教授。1988年升入中央音乐学院本科,师从中国艺术研究院研究员许健先生学习演奏的同时开始打谱。大学期间曾活跃在舞台上, 参 加多部影视作品古琴音乐的录制并在北京十几所大学,定期作古琴音乐讲座和示范演 奏。自1986年来李蓬蓬开始古琴教学活动,培育了众多来背景不同的古琴学者和爱好者. 李蓬蓬自1992年往返于欧洲和中国。1998年定居德国,她的演出足迹遍布欧洲 ,2023受邀用千年古琴“九霄环佩”为国家主席习近平和法国总统马克龙演奏了古琴名曲, 成了名副其实的中国音乐使者。


President of Taoyuan Guqin Society in Germany, Vice President and Judge of Guqin Society of China International Musicians Federation. She once taught at the Intercultural Music Teaching and Research Section of Musicology Department of Liszt Academy of Music in Germany. She started learning Guqin from her father Professor Li Xiangting at the age of ten, performed on stage for the first time at the age of eleven. She was admitted to the Affiliated Middle School of the Central Conservatory of Music at the age of thirteen where she studied under her father Professor Li Xiangting. In 1988 she was promoted to the undergraduate program of the Central Conservatory of Music where she studied performance under Mr. Xu Jian, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Arts, and began to write music. During her college years she was active on stage, participated in the recording of guqin music for many film and television works, and regularly gave guqin music lectures and demonstration performances at more than a dozen universities in Beijing. Since 1986 Li Pengpeng has started guqin teaching activities and has cultivated many guqin scholars and enthusiasts from different backgrounds. Li Pengpeng's guqin performance is fluent and free yet unstrained. She has been traveling back and forth between important stages in Europe and China, such as the Beijing National Grand Theatre since 1992. She settled in Germany in 1998 and has performed all over Europe. In 2023 she was invited to play the famous guqin piece “Flowing Water” for Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron using the thousand-year-old guqin 'Jiuxiao Huanpei', she has demonstrated that she is a true Chinese music ambassador.

Featured Musicians


旅英琵琶,古琴演奏家,教育家及民族音樂學博士. 英国国家艺术局顾问, 国际古琴学会评委. 毕业于西安音乐学院及伦大亚非学院. 前中央民族乐团琵琶演奏员. 伦大丝竹乐团(1995-),英国中乐团(1998-),和伦敦幽兰琴社(2003-)的创始人, 5次英国国家艺术基金获得者及其艺术顾问. 曾与郎朗,谭盾及伦敦和BBC交响乐团多次合作新作品音乐会。其2004-06博士后课题“新创五弦琵琶和音乐作品”获英国国家艺术局, 女性与音乐等基金奖励. 被英国世界音乐权威刊物“Song line”誉为“欧洲中乐的领军人”. 现任 倫敦大學亞非學院琵琶,古琴研究生导师和中乐研究员。她曾在30多个国家举办过独奏音乐会, 出版多张唱片. 其由ARC国际唱片公司出版的丝弦琴《龙吟》及和李祥霆大师录制的《丝声》CD专辑, 分获2021和2019ARC金银唱片奖. 由程玉策划出品的伦敦国际古琴艺术节(2018), 和首届伦敦国际中国音乐节(2023), 获得中英双方奖励支持, 业界参加者横跨十几个国家, 深受好评。  

Cheng Yu 
Pipa and Guqin Virtuoso

An internationally recognised pipa and guqin virtuoso, educator, ethnomusicologist (PhD) and Director of the London Chinese music festival/summer schools for over 20 years. She is the Vice President of the International Guqin Music Association and performance teacher at SOAS, University of London. Recognised by Songlines as “a leading Chinese musician”, she has received multiple Arts Council England Awards including “Recreating the 5-stringed Pipa and Music” and “Composing for the Pipa”. She performs widely on traditional, contemporary and cross-over music and has given concerts in over 30 countries. Born in Beijing, Cheng Yu learnt the pipa from her father from the age of 6, graduated with distinction from the Xi’an Conservatory of Music to become the pipa soloist in China’s National Orchestra. Since coming to the UK she has performed at Southbank, the Barbican, Rich Mix and the Edinburgh, WOMEX and WOMAD festivals. She played with the BBC and London symphony orchestras and with Lang Lang, Tan Dun, Peter Wiegold and Gabriel Prokofiev. In 2022 and 2023, she was invited to play at the WOMAD, Lancaster Music, China Now and MAG (Spain) festivals, and in concerts at the Conservatorio Guiseppe Verdi (Italy), the National Palace of Mafra in Lisbon, and with the Luxembourg Philharmonique. She is the founder of the PRS award-winning Silk String Quartet and has initiated collaborations such as the East Asia Summer School and concert (2022) and the current “Silk Road” lutes project. Her published CDs include four solo albums and cross-cultural music collaborations under such labels as Realworld, ARC, Universal and EMI. She is based in London with her family. 

130th Youlan Qin Society Yaji & 2024 London International Music Festival Press Release


Photos from 2024 London International Music Festival