Silk & Bamboo Music workshop – Barbican Music Library

12 to 1.15pm, 27th Sept 2024
Barbican Centre, Barbican, London EC2Y 8DS

Look forward to give a performance/workshop at the #barbicanmusiclibrary to celebrate East and South East Asian Heritage Month. The event is free, hope to see you there.

Free event

#琵琶 #古琴 #亚洲 #二胡#dizi #Hulusi #pipa #guqin #chinesemusic #ukchinesemusic #londonyoulanqinsociety #erhu #southasia #east #culture #eastheritagefallfestival @pauloiswanto @londonyoulanqinsociety @ukchinesemusic

Barbican Music Library, Barbican Centre, Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8DS

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