UK Chinese Music Ensemble
Mid-Autumn Festival performance 

London’s Chinatown
World-famous Stonehenge

UK Chinese Music will be performing at two major Mid-Autumn Festival events!

Our Pipa plucked string group will be participating in the UK's largest Mid-Autumn Festival celebration in Chinatown in the heart of London.

Meanwhile, another unique Mid-Autumn Festival performance will be held at the world-famous cultural heritage - Stonehenge. This will be the first time that Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated in front of the 5,000-year-old "Stonehenge"! Under this ancient site, we will enjoy traditional Chinese performances on a full moon night, adding unforgettable memories to this important festival. This is not only a collision and fusion of Chinese and Western cultures, but also a harmonious echo of history and modernity.

Imagine playing the moving melodies of "The Moon is High" and "The Moon Over the Mountains" in front of Stonehenge, what a unique experience it would be! Special thanks to the Southampton Chinese Association for the invitation and careful planning. This is a rare opportunity, and all music lovers are welcome to come and enjoy it!

If you are interested in attending the performance at Stonehenge, please click on the following link for more information:



想象一下,在巨石阵前弹奏《月儿高》和《关山月》的动人旋律,将是多么独特的体验! 特别感谢南普敦华人协会的邀请与用心策划。机会难得,欢迎各位音乐爱好者前来欣赏!


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